Monday, September 26, 2016


So I really enjoy playing go. The balance and precision that each move requires is a beautiful dance. Moving a stone by 1 can devastate or show forth brilliance.

All of the mushy stuff said though I am not yet as good as I want to be. The clear and obvious mark is to become a dan level player. The be honest though I have many priorities in my life and I am not sure if I can acheive that level of play with the amount of time I think is appropriate to devote to go. I am confident I could make it but not sure with family, church, and work that it would be an appropriate use of resources.

I once heard a talk(I believe by Elder Oaks a leader in my faith) that too often people allow hobbies that should be the spice of life to serve as the main course. Hobbies and other things can be used sparingly but the bulk of our time should be spent on things of eternal significance like our families. 

All this being said I do want to be as good as I can be given the constraints of time and effort that I am willing to put forth. Goals must be measurable so perhaps I should simply set a goal for the next stone of strength. That is close enough that I feel I can understand the level I need to attain and can judge the effort.

As I continue the journey I will gain as many stones as are attainable within my ability and time contraints. Perhaps that is a 4-dan perhaps that is a 3-kyu.

For the moment I am ranked at 11k on OGS. My goal then is 10k and to maintain 10k for at least 10 games so that a random fluke is not enough to get me there. This is an exciting stone as I draw near to SDK levels

 Since goals must have time frames to be succesful I will state that by christmas I will be at least 10k. 

Strategies to achieve this goal.
 I considered reading go or playing go during pomodoro breaks at work but I don't think that helps my work or my go.
 study/memorize pro games.
tsumego read go books play games and review them.
The games only count if I review them afterward.

 I guess I am still pondering on strategies but I should come up with something.